As a cat owner, there will be instances when you need to travel for a long time, and you don't have a pet caregiver to leave your cat with. Notably, during your travels, it may not be possible to travel with your cat. In that case, long-term cat-boarding services come in handy.Here, we'll discuss everything you need about long-term cat boarding, including the pros and cons of these services and how to prepare.
Pros of Long-Term Cat Boarding
Well-structured environment. Your cat is exposed to a structured daily routine, such as scheduled feeding time, playtime and rest time, which enables it to feel stable.
Safety. When you leave your cat at the facility, you don't have to worry about its safety. The long-term boarding facilities are secure. The facility owner has implemented security measures, including proper fencing and enforced strict safety policies that guarantee the well-being of all the pets within the facility.
Professional pet caregiving services. The pet caregivers are trained and highly experienced to offer professional caregiving services. They understand cat behaviors and provide appropriate care, including proper feeding and medication when necessary.
Social time. Cats love socializing, and leaving them at a long-term boarding facility is an excellent opportunity to interact and play. Your cat will meet and play with other cats at a long-term cat boarding facility.
Affordable. Pet boarding is relatively affordable compared to other pet care services, such as pet in-home sitting. Therefore, if you are on a tight budget, cat boarding services are all you need, and your cat will be taken care of while you are away.
Cons of Long-Term Cat Boarding
Stress. When cats stay long in a boarding facility, they are likely to experience stress. Notably, the stress level will mostly depend on the cat's temperament. For instance, some cats don't enjoy interacting with unfamiliar cats or staying in a noisy environment.
Lack of enough personal attention. In the boarding facility, the cats likely get limited personal attention, especially when many cats are in the facility at one particular time. While the caregivers are committed to providing adequate care to each cat, they may only have time to provide personal care at some times.
Risk of spread of diseases. When many cats are in one place at a time, and one cat is unwell, there is a high chance of spreading diseases to the rest. Although the facility staff will strive to ensure preventive measures are in place, there is a likelihood that contagious diseases will still spread.
Ways to Prepare for Long-Term Cat Boarding
So, how do you prepare yourself and the cat for long-term cat boarding?
Research about the facility. Your cat is precious, and you shouldn't leave it in a place you aren't comfortable with. Therefore, thoroughly research long-term cat boarding facilities before deciding which facility to leave your cat. During the research stage, you can rely on referrals. Importantly, always check or listen to what other customers say about their experience leaving their pets in those facilities.
Contact the long-term cat boarding facility. Based on your research findings, you can narrow your options to one or two facilities that are the most suitable place to leave your cat. The next step is to contact them and schedule a visit to the facility. Ask all the questions you may have. During the visit, walk around to see the facility and assess its cleanliness and safety.
Try short-term boarding. While some cats like socializing with other cats and don't mind spending time in an unfamiliar place, some cats only like having their space. They get stressed leaving their home and spending time with unfamiliar cats. Therefore, it's crucial to try short-term boarding before deciding that long-term cat boarding suits your cat.
Observe your Cat's behaviors. Closely observe how your cat interacts with the staff at the facility and other dogs during the short stays. Usually, your cat will likely become anxious and stressed during the first time and the first few days in an unfamiliar place. However, the anxiety shouldn't persist for many days. Therefore, if the cat doesn't feel comfortable relating with other cats, it could be a sign that you must consider alternative options since long-term cat boarding is not for them.
Despite the slight uneasiness of leaving your cat for extended periods, sometimes, it's inevitable. But, with this guide, you are now aware of the pros and cons of long-term cat boarding and the best ways to prepare to leave your cat for long periods.Therefore, contact us if you plan to travel soon and seek long-term cat-boarding services. At Pampered Paws, we guarantee your cat's safety, warmth and personalized pet care.
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